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    Colophon Foundry Designers: Anthony Sheret‚ Edd Harrington‚ StudioMakgil‚ Alison Haigh‚ Benjamin Critton‚ Dries Wiewauters‚ Oscar & Ewan Typefaces: Aperçu‚ Reader‚ Peggs‚ Central Avenue‚ Fortescue‚ Monosten‚ Montefiore‚ Pantograph‚ PDU‚ Perfin Raisonne‚ Transcript‚ Relative‚ Leroy‚ La Fabrique‚ Lisbon‚ Lydia‚ Value Sans‚ Value Serif‚ AlstonA abrasion: the process of scraping or wearing something away abundant: having large amounts of something accumulation: the process of gathering something over time acidic: describes substances that reacts with some metals to give off a gas and tastes sour with sticky texture adaptation: the ability for an organism to change to its environment to better survive and reproduceDocument Asset | Carrick Creek Glossary | RiverVenture

  • Library of Congress

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